The top of the trailer hitch ball should be aprox 18 to 20 inches off the ground.
a semi flat low bed trailer is about 4 to 4.5 feet above from the ground.
The towing capacity should be the same as the sedan i belive. With no brakes on trailer 2000lbs max & 3300lbs with brakes on trailer with standard tranny. But with automatic 3500lbs max with brakes on trailer. But thats all i know. I just would not tow more than 2600lbs behind my car with brakes on trailer. But dont let the place hack your car up putting a tranny cooler on. It will just damage your tranny more. Just take it easy dont floor it while towing & keep it out of overdrive. Dont drive at speeds above 100km.
Not all 1500's where built with it. If it is there it will be above the parking brake.
The forks should be 1 foot above ground
According to Building Control Regulations, the DPC should be a minimum of 150mm above external finished ground level.
It should be on "FILTER"
PVC pipe is fine
The first thing you should keep in mind is the possibility of corrosion and the buidup of ground water around the outside of the pool.
1 foot above ground.
Why should it freeze, the ground temperature is far above -210 oC (melting point)
Cabbages grow above ground