I reckon whoever wrote those answers are wrong. A Hummer H2? Going 350 km/h? Rubbish. Closer to 150 mph, or about 230 km/h. Approximately.
limited to 99mph
The defintion of an RC HUMMER H2 is a toy radio controlled Hummer H2. A Hummer H2 is a large SUV resembling the Hummer tanks that they use in the army. It is actually the 2nd Hummer that was manufactured and although the Hummer H2 is smaller than the first one it is still very large.
Hummer h3 is Hummer h3-$30,900 Hummmer H2-63,000
h2 is more power full
The mpg for a hummer h2 is 128 miles per gallons
For a Hummer H2, 99 mph
H2 Hummer
A Hummer H2 typically has seating for 5 passengers.
h2 hummer
One can find an H2 Hummer by checking in the magazine Hummers Today. They have a list of the best places to purchase a Hummer and which are the best to buy.
Yes many companies including Hummer offer covers for the H2.
The basic Hummer H2 will cost you around $61,585 - $63,090. The price can go up depending on which model you want, and if you would like to add any features to the vehicle.