Typically the DMV is the agency who deals with license plates. They usually have a limited selection of styles to choose from, or you can request a personalized one. You can request a specific arrangement of letters and numbers for your legal license plate, but it may not be available to you.
Your local DMV or County Court Clerk.
Obtain a car and license first. Then go to your local DMV with the proper papers, fill out an application and pay the fees then you will have your plates!!
You should have gone to the DMV when you bought the car. They hand the license plates to you when you register it. If your state does it differently, you need to phone them or go to DMV.
License plates expire on the date that is on the stick that the DMV sends you. It is important to get new license plates before that date, so you do not get pulled over for having expired tags.
Custom license plates also known as "Vanity plates", can be purcheused online at alot of different webpages. Autoplates, sells both Vanity plates and custom frames for your license plates. Custom licence plates have to be registered at your local DMV.
Go to your local DMV and ask for replacement plates which cost about $8
The best place to visit would be the DMV., or the Department of Motor Vehicles. No one likes to wait in line at the DMV., but it is the best way identify license plates.
By US Mail, although you can pick them up in person from a DMV office.
The nearest DMV can lookup plates. Service Ontario, etc. A great alternative is Licenseplateslookup.com. Which provides a detailed and extensive database of plates.
Many states require 2 plates. Contact your local DMV for that info.