They have automatic tensioners. If the belt needs adjustment, either you have a bad tensioner or a worn belt.
Replace belt self tensioner, if applicable. Adjust belt tension. Replace belt. Have ac pressures checked. AC compressor may be failing.
you dont adjust a tension pulley you adjust the position of the compressor to tighten the belt
remove bottom skid plate and find ac belt and find ac belt tensioner and loosen center bolt and screw in long bolt to tighten,then tighten lock nut.
there is a belt tensioner near the alternator.
You have to use the same belt and install a dummy pulley kit in place of the ac compressor.
You may need to adjust your belts, check the ac belt first.
order a belt for one without ac. Idid this on my 98 neon
You move the AC compressor and the alternator to adjust tension. Has to be done from under car.
It could be a lose or broken belt. The same belt drives the AC and the alternator.
There is no adjust on an AC clutch, it is a good or bad situation. The clutch is activated magnetically. If it is th ebelt you are asking about it should be kept tight by the belt tensioner. If it is still squealing, change the belt, if no help change the tensioner.
The ac belt has a tensioner that is accessed from below, and takes a tensioner tool to loosen. Remove the serpentine belt, release tension on the ac belt then the belt can come off for replacement.