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not sure what your question is, BUT, if you want a car repoed and know the leinholder, CALL the lender.

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Q: How can you get help writing petition for repossession of a vehicle?
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Can a repo service come into your job and confront you and question the where abouts of the vehicle?

Yes. Under the self-help repossession laws a repossession agent can contact you at work and request the location of the vehicle. If, however, you request in writing of the repossession agency that you no longer be contacted at work, the agency is required by the Graham-Leach-Bliley Act, and the FFDCPA to cease all contact with you at your place of employment, unless they have no other means of contacting you, and then only to notify you of changes in the status of the recovery of the vehicle or the account.

Do Alabama repo companies have to notify you before repossessing your vehicle?

The state of Alabama is a self help repossession state, therefore a repossession agency is not required to notify you before they repossess your vehicle. Repossessors are under various state and federal laws and regulations and are prevented from breaching the peace among other things.

What happens if judgment entered for car repossession in Texas?

It goes through a legal process, and if you fail to get your vehicle back, it will be auctioned of to help fund the government.

What are the laws for vehicle repossession and the recovery of personal belongings in Maryland?


What is replevlin?

The judicial method of repossession - in other words most states allow for self-help repossession but when a repossession can not be accomplished using self-help the lender will file an action in court to recover the property

What is Self help repossession?

It means YOU do it YOURSELF.

How can you get a copy of your repossession paper when the company will not help?

If it was a wrongful repossession, get an attorney and they will get a copy of it. Otherwise, what could you possibly do with it?

Can a car be repossessed when another car is parked behind it?

Yes, a car can be repossessed even if another car is in front of it. The person in charge of repossession the vehicle can call the police to help them get the car.

Can you be arrested for not turning over your car for repossession in georgia?

I own a repo company in Washington state, so I'm not a expert in Georgia laws, however in most cases states consider repossession or self-help repossession to be a civil matter. Most likely your local PD would not take action against you. This is provided there is not a court order, forcing you to turn over your vehicle.

What is the process of repossession?

Repossession is an option that some lenders use to help pay against a bad debt. The debt or loan must have been secured by property. That property will in most cases have a lien placed against it to prevent unlawful sale and fraud against the lender. When the vehicle is repossessed, it is sold at auction and the proceeds are applied to the debt to help offset it or pay a portion of it.

Can police help the repossession men take your car in Michigan?

Possibly, but they can certainly prevent you from interfering, as it is no longer your car, hence the repossession.

Who is responsible for damage to the yard during a repossession in Florida?

The LIENHOLDER is ultimately responsible for anything that happens during a self help repossession.