The asking price you may expect to find when shopping for
a used vehicle from a dealer The asking price you may expect to find when shopping for
a used vehicle from a dealer
A 1986 Nissan Deluxe 4+4 pickup low retail value, $1725. Average retail, $2750. High retail, $4350. It's all about condition.
For retail values, try Numismedia Fair Market Value Prices at :
As of 12/2008, Numismedia quotes the fair market value (FMV) at $61.00Average retail price is $54.00 issue price was $2.10
You can look on the internet to find the fair market value for trucks and other vehicles. You can also pick up a book listing the Fair market value in a store. Usually these are free.
Most likely eBay or other auction sites. Try also. Be aware that there is a large difference between suggested retail price and the fair market value. M.I. Hummel Figurines and Collectibles Value Chart - Hummel Price Guide This is a Hummel figurines and collectibles suggested retail price and estimated auction (fair market value) price guide. Use this chart to find out the value of your Hummel. Find your Hummel in this chart to determine the Suggested Retail Price and estimated Auction (Fair Market Value) Price.
Fair Market Value
Property Transfer Tax RatesThe amount of tax due depends on the fair market value of the property that is transferred:If the fair market value is $200,000 or less, the tax is 1% of the fairmarketvalue.If the fair market value is greater than $200,000, the tax is 1% of the fairmarket value up to $200,000, plus 2% on the portion of the fair market value that is greater than $200,000.For example:if fair market value of property is $150,000tax payable is: 1% of $150,000 = $1,500if fair market value of property is $250,000 tax payable is: 1% of $200,000 = $2,000 plus 2% of $50,000 = $1,000 for total tax payable of $3,000
The fair market value is the price of a property that may be sold and bought. It assumes both buyer and seller know everything about the property.
Book value is the value of asset shown in financial statements while fair value is the value at which asset can be sold in market
fair condition: $120 Excellent condition: $295 Retail prices; +/- $35 depending upon the market in your area.