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Yes they should. Did you carry uninsured motorist? The only issue is if your car had a driver that did not have a license or was living in your home and you did not tell them about this person.

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Q: Does progressive insurance cover if an uninsured driver gets in an accident in an insured car?
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Will progressive insurance pay for an uninsured vehicle if the at fault vehicle was insured by them?

The insurance status of the victim's vehicle is irrelevant. The at-fault insurance company will pay for your damages whether your car is insured or not.

How much will your insurance rate go up after an accident with an uninsured motorist?

Usually an uninsured motorist accident is not chargeable against insured in any way. Your rates should not be effected at all with most insurance companies.

How long will your license be suspended for uninsured driver in an accident?

Until you obtain auto insurance and prove to the court that you are now insured.

If an insured driver was driving your uninsured car would their insurance cover an accident?

Only if the driver was responsible and only for his liability

If an uninsured driver of an insured driver's car has an accident caused by another driver what will happen to the uninsured drivers license?

If the uninsured driver had the permission of the insured driver to operate the vehicle then NOTHING will happen to the uninsured driver. In fact, in this case he or she is not an uninsured driver at all. The insurance follows the vehicle first, the driver second.

What happens if an uninsured driver causes an accident in an insured car?

Vehicles are insured not drivers. If you are qualified and authorized to operate an auto the insurance on it will pay for it and any damage done by it.

Uninsured licensed driver uses my insured car. has an accident are they covered?

It is important to understand the insurance policy that is purchased on a drivers car. The only way that an uninsured driver is covered in an insured car is id the owner of the car has that in their policy.

I am not insured and I have had a acciedent?

If the accident was your fault and someone else was involved their uninsured motorist insurance will pay for their damage. The bad news is that they WILL sue for the amount they had to pay out.

Am I considered an uninsured motorist If I am driving my son's car which is fully insured and driving with permission but I do not have insurance and at fault in an accident?

No. The car is insured and your son's policy will provide coverage up to its policy limits.

What do you do if you get into a accident with someone who does not have insurance and you are not at fault?

Most no fault insurance laws protect the not-at-fault party. Your insurance will indemnify your loss and penalize the un-insured motorist. DO NOT make outside deals with an uninsured person after an accident as this limits your ability to make claim.

In New Zealand if an uninsured drivers car is hit by an insured drivercar will the insured drivers insurance still pay for the damages to the uninsured car?

In most cases if you are fully insured then your insurance will pay for the uninsured driver's car. However if it is only a third party insurance then most likely you have no cover if it is your fault. However it depends on the insurance company and the policy that you signed.

If an uninsured driver wrecks the car of an insured driver is the uninsured driver still responsible?

If the accident was caused by the uninsured driver than the uninsured driver is definitely still responsible.