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It all depends on the policy. If the unlicensed driver is a named insured and the policy is active then they will be covered. If the unlicensed driver is excluded from coverage then naturally there is no coverage for them. If the unlicensed driver is not a named insured and also not excluded, Then technically they still are not a covered driver, although, coverege may still apply under the owners auto policy depending on the circumstances of any accident and the owners liability under permissive use rules if the vehicle owner allowed an unlicensed driver to operate the vehicle.

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Q: Does insurance cover the vehicle if the driver does not have a valid license?
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If an uninsured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will insurance cover the other vehicle's damage?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. So as long as the automobile is insured, so is the driver. Just make sure the driver has a valid driver's license.

A friend of the family that does not have a drivers license but a permit wrecked your vehicle does your insurance cover the damages to your vehicle?

they should as long as the permit holder had a licensed driver with him. now, it would help if that person was on the policy.

Will insurance cover an accident if owner thought the driver had a license when let him use vehicle?

Permissive use by unlicensed driverYes, So long as the driver was not excluded by name from your policy, your insurance will pay for the claims. The unlicensed driver is not covered under your policy. Your negligence in allowing an unlicensed driver is covered under your policy. So basically, Your Insurer will be paying what is considered a negligence claim against you as the policy holder.Other AnswersNo the insurance will not cover for the accident since the person driving the vehicle did not have a driving license and the owner has given the keys to the person - permission to drive. The owner must verify that the person to whom he is giving his/her vehicle has a valid driving license.

Do you need Insurance if you have a valid driver license?

yes because there might be a drunk/reckless driver and you need insurance if you're in a crash to cover damages

Will your car insurance cover the losses of the other car if driver of the other car has no license?

Yes, it will. The fact that the other driver had no license has nothing to do with coverage and liability.

Can you get car insurance without a driver's license?

No. You cannot legally drive so they would not cover you.

Who is responsible for a accidents costs the owner of the car or driver?

the accident is cover by insurance if the driver did not have insurance but the owner dose then it should cover for uninsured motorist if the driver was not a excluded driver of the vehicle a excluded driver is like a relative that lives the the policy holder but is not on the policy as a driver

Does having a license automatically insure you as a driver?

No,, You have to buy the auto insurance for your car or you have to make sure the owner of the car you are driving has the required insurance and that it will cover you as a driver as well.

What happens if i have insurance for a full license but i only have a provisional license and have had an accident?

The driver does not have proper insurance at this point. since the insurance did not cover provisional licenses, the insurance provider mask likely does not have to pay out on any claim.

Do you need to be on someones auto insurance to drive a vehicle?

Insurance will cover any licensed driver with permission to borrow the car.

Is an unlicensed driver crashes a vehicle that is insured what happens?

Technically, the insurance company should cover the costs of the other vehicle. If the unlicensed driver took the vehicle without permission, the owner may even be able to collect on the collision insurance to cover part of their expenses, but if he/she does that he/she will probably have to show a police report that the unlicensed driver took the vehicle without permission and that it was technically, automobile theft. On the other hand, the insurance costs for the owner may to up dramatically whether the owner gave permission or not. It all depends on the insurance company and how they view the circumstances. The unlicensed driver may not be allowed to get a drivers license for several years, depending on state laws.

What might happen if an uninsured driver had an accident and received a DUI in your vehicle?

First of all, if the driver was driving your vehicle with your permission, your auto insurance will cover the accident expenses. Automobile insurance is issued to cover the vehicle. If the vehicle was stolen, that's quite a different matter - your local law enforcement agency will have better information.