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Just the opposite. You have to have your car insured to get your registration. Find a local insurance agent in your area to give your their best price, choose the coverage you feel comfortable with, and pay for the insurance. You will receive a Binder and temporary Insurance ID cards. Take these with you to get your registration and tag for your new car!

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Q: Do you have to have your car registered to get it insured in California?
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In the state of Florida can a car be registered by one person and insured by another?

A car can be registered and insured by a number of people. Usually they are one and the same. A car can be insured with having it registered to you if you would like to drive it.

Can an auto insurance co refuse to pay for my car and injury when their insured was at fault just because my registered car was insured under my friends name and not mine in the state of California?

Yes here the car insurance firm can refuse your insurance claim as the car is registered in your friends name and not yours.

Can a Car be insured if it isn't registered?

Yes it can.

If a car is insured and registered in one state and a son resides in another state with the insured car is that OK?


Can you drive in California with an unregistered car if you just baught it?

No. All vehicles in the U.S. must be registered, licenced, inspected and insured before driving it.

Do you have to have insurance to have a license?

No, but car has to be insured to register it & keep it registered. to take the driving test, the car you use must be insured.

Can a car get insured if it is not registered with department of motor vehicles?

Of course

If a car is registered and insured in a new residence state can the car still be insured and registered in the old state just in case you move back?

not in any state or thru any insurance company I know of.

Uninsured driver driving insured car is he covered?

If a person is driving a car and he/she is uninsured but the vehicle in which he is driving is registered and insured to another individual, the registered owner is liable for the damages to the other pwesond's vehicle.

Can you 18yrs old get insured on a car for a week?

Yes You Can. You Can Get Car Insurance If You Have A Car And A Licence And Your Vehicle Is Registered.

Can you register a car in NJ that does not belong to me.?

yes you can, but it will have to be registered AND insured under your name

Can you buy a car in California and register it in Nevada?

A car that is bought in California can be registered in Nevada. The tax to be paid will be based on where the car is registered so it does not matter where the car was bought.