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Q: Do i have to report a Deer car accident to police in kansas?
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What to do if I hit a deer in New York State and didn't pull over right away to call police I called when I got to my exit Police would not file accident because it was not at the scene?

You have to do a civilian accident report. you can get one at any precinct and you mail it to the DMV.

Does the state of Texas require a police report for a deer hitting your car?

A photo of the deer might help your cause but the insurance Co. won't process the claim without a police report.

Do you need police report to claim comprehensive damage?

Usually not in the comprehensive claims especially if the vehicle was parked at the time the damage occurred. In the case of deer or animal collision I would call the police at the time of the accident because they company will want the driver listed on the police report. Also, note that theft and uninsured motorists are cases where you are required to call the police as soon as it is discovered and have them complete a report.

Do you have to report hitting a deer to the police?

Most insurance companies need a police report for a claim. It is also proper to inform the authorities so that the dead or injured animal can be taken care of. In some places it is a crime (a traffic ticket or violation of game laws) and you could be charged with leaving the scene of an accident.

Do you have to report a deer accident in Missouri?

That's up to you. If i were you though i would just leave it alone.

Do you need to file police report if you hit a deer?

You will need to for the insurance claim for car repairs.

What do you do after hitting deer in Washington state car damage?

If you have full coverage then you just call your insurer and report the accident. If you just have liability then your on your own. The deer likely has no insurance.

How many deer live in Kansas?

According to research, there are about 400,000 deer in Kansas. Elk and Caribou not sure.

Does NY state pay for your damages when you hit a deer?

The state of NY is not going to pay for damages to your car if you hit a deer. You need to make a police report and contact your car insurance agent.

What do you do if you hit a deer with your car in New York state?

I regrentfully was a witness to a deer hit just last night. My 8yr old daughter begged me to turn around to see if we could help. After arriveing back at the scene the actual "hitter" had returned and informed us the police were on the way. Apairently what you should do if you hit a deer in new york state is to stay with the deer, call the police ,and have a report made. The insureance co. is suposed to pay any deductible and all repairs to the vehicle as long as you stay at the sight and a police report is made. You may want to call you local wildlife rescue center to help the deer because the only thing the police will do is shoot it.

What 4 things should you do if you hit a deer?

1. Don't swerve. It is sad to say, but if you try to swerve, statistics show that it doesn't help, and in fact can hurt - both you and the deer. The best bet is to jam on the brakes and minimize damage to you, the deer and your car. Deer can survive low speed accidents. You and a tree may not. A deer in the road can also be more quickly startled by screeching brakes and jump out of the way. 2. If you do hit the deer and it runs away (which sometimes they are fine enough to do), call the police to report the incident. Likely you have front bumper and hood damage. If there is blood on the car, call the police to have them verify that it was an animal, even if the deer runs away. It helps with the insurance. 3. Call your insurance company. Give them all the details, and if you did call the police, give them the name of the officer that turned up at the accident. 4. If the deer did not do well, call the police and explain that they need the DNR or Animal Safety, or its equivalent, such as the RSPCA (UK, Australia) at the scene. In some jurisdictions, the Sheriff's office is the best number to call, in Canada, the RCMP emergency hotline can route the call.

Does deer eat worms?

Only by accident, if one is hiding in a lump of grass that the deer is eating. Otherwise, deer don't eat worms.