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No of course not car registration is the state that has nothing to do with your bank or lender one has nothing to do with the other

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Q: Can your finance company put a hold on car registration if you still owe money?
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I am thinking of buying a car from a seller who still has loan payments. How can i be sure i will get the title from him after i pay the finance company?

Go to the bank or finance company and tell them what you are doing. Don't give the seller any money untill you have worked it out with the finance company.

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You can be sued by the finance company to recover any money still owed to them after they auction the repossessed mobile home.

Can you cash a check written to you by your insurance company for a car that was totaled but still has remaining payments on it to a finance company?

Sure you can, but you're still responsible for paying off the loan to the finance company. If the check will cover the pay-off, give it to the finance company. If it doesn't, give it to them, anyway. It'll reduce your debt by that much.

What if the finance company cannot get to the car?

They will....eventually. Regardless, you still owe.

How can you get a new registration in a new state for a charged off car that has not been picked up by the finance company?

If you don't have the title, use the registration card from the previous state. Check with the DMV to see if there is still a leinholder listed on the title. You will need the VIN #. They will give you that information. My question to you is, are they or have they tried to repo the vehicle? Is it in "repo" status?

What happens if the car gets stolen and its still on finance?

You will still owe the finance company the balance of your finance note. Hopefully you have full coverage insurance. If you do have full coverage, the Comprehensive portion of your policy will generally pay off the finance company up to the insured limits (usually the remaining market value) of your insured auto.

What does the finance company do when a car is totaled and there is no collision insurance?

If the driver was uninsured or only had liability insurance, they would be liable to still pay the finance company back or face a lawsuit.

Your vehicle was repossessed and the finance company charged you ''storage'' fee on the invoice to get your vehicle back can the repo agent still charge for storage?

no because the storage fee that the finance company charged you was what the repo company charged on the invoice. the finance company had no other reason to charge storage fee's they did not store it

Uninsured finance vehicle has been stolen Cancelled insurance because car was being repossessed by finance company?

You still have rights to recover the vehicle. The finance company may help you look for it if they're desperate enough to get it back. Even if your car was insured, you would legally have to payback the finance company for the car since you broke a binding finance contract.

What happens if you have a clean title and loan is secured can finance company still repossess?


What happens if you part out a financed car?

You still owe the finance company the balance owed.