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Sure, but don't expect to get the same dollar amount as it appears on the original sales contract. Once driven off the new car lot, the car becomes a "used car", one that has been registered, licensed, and now driven on public roads.

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Q: Can you trade a new car in that you have not paid any payments on yet?
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Related questions

Should you trade in your used car that is paid off for a new car?

Only if you can afford payments for a new car and your used car is in very bad shape.

What happens to remaining payments if you trade car in?

The remaining payments are usually rolled into your new car loan. The dealership cannot transfer the title into their name without the vehicle loan being paid off.

Can you insure a car that you are paying payments on until its paid for from a private owner who holds the title?

I would insure any car that I was driving or making payments on. If you are on the title then you are an owner.

Can you trade in a car that's not paid off and not co sign for another car?

If you trade-in a car that Not paid off, you will be trouble with the law.

How do I get my car back that I sold to a friend and they have not paid the agreed monthly payment. they havent paid any payments in 3 months.?

Hopefully you did not sign the title over until it was to be paid for. If you did not sign over the title the car is legally yours. If you did, consult a lawyer.

Does your car have to be paid off before you can trade it in?


Can your car be repo'd by the dealer if you still owe on the downpayment even if your payments are on time to the bank my payoff on my trade was more then what i knew now they are charging me?

If the car is financed through a bank, the bank is the only agency with authority to repossess the vehicle. The dealer, once paid by the bank, no longer has any claim to the vehicle.

Husband deceased car in his name not paid for can wife keep paying payments and keep the car?

The person/company that sold the car wants their money. They don't care who pays it, as long as it gets paid. Condolences for the loss of your husband, but you get to keep the car as long as you keep making payments.

In Washington State can car payments be considered child support?

No, not unless they are specifically addressed in the child support order. The obligor does not have the right to designate where child support payments will go. They are to be paid to the custodial parent. Any other payments will be viewed as voluntary or gifts.No, not unless they are specifically addressed in the child support order. The obligor does not have the right to designate where child support payments will go. They are to be paid to the custodial parent. Any other payments will be viewed as voluntary or gifts.No, not unless they are specifically addressed in the child support order. The obligor does not have the right to designate where child support payments will go. They are to be paid to the custodial parent. Any other payments will be viewed as voluntary or gifts.No, not unless they are specifically addressed in the child support order. The obligor does not have the right to designate where child support payments will go. They are to be paid to the custodial parent. Any other payments will be viewed as voluntary or gifts.

If a family member purchased a car for us in their name due to credit issues but you've made all payments can you trade it in on a new car?

no you can not. the only person who can trade that car in is the person on the title no matter who has made payments on it jd wash state

Is it possible to trade-in a car that is subjected to a repo for missed payments if you now have the money to pay those payments?

As a rule, ANYTHING is POSSIBLE. IF you are willing to pay the price. Dont make any false statements in writing.

Is it legal for a co-owner to take the car from the primary owner if car is not paid for in full?

If you are the only person making payments on a car and you are the primary owner. If the co-signer takes the car and will not give you the car back is there any way to get the car back in your possesion?