They can sell you anything. You can also sue them for a refund, but you will have to prove they knew about the bent or rusted frame.
If the seller sold you the car knowing that the air bags had been deployed and then had not replaced you do have legal standing to sue. You would have to be able to prove the seller knew this and did not tell you. That will be very difficult after 10 years. But of course you can sue.
no, but people probably wouldn't want to buy it. AND the buyer might be able to sue you, so you SHOULDN'T. but I think you CAN.
what happens if you buy a car unaware of salvage title? well, if it was from a dealer you have recourse. if it's from a private seller, too bad...UNLESS they sold you the car with a clean title when they knew it was salvage. did you look at the title before you bought the car? if it was clearly branded as salvage or totaled you're out of luck but if it was a clean title when it actually wasn't you can try and get a refund from the seller or sue. If you sue you will have prove the seller knew the title was salvage at the time of sale. good luck!!
Generally you need to get your money back or sue for fraud. The seller of a vehicle must provide the title. End of story.
Probably so. Drive the car to the seller and tender it [give it] back to the seller, then demand your money back. If the seller refused to refund your money, sue the seller for the purchase price, using the warranty as your legal proof that you are entitled to your money back.
If there is available proof that the car is subject to the lien then you will need to pay it if you want to own the car free and clear. You could sue the seller.If there is available proof that the car is subject to the lien then you will need to pay it if you want to own the car free and clear. You could sue the seller.If there is available proof that the car is subject to the lien then you will need to pay it if you want to own the car free and clear. You could sue the seller.If there is available proof that the car is subject to the lien then you will need to pay it if you want to own the car free and clear. You could sue the seller.
The short answer is yes. Sellers are generally required to disclose the salvage status of a car. Since you initially reached your purchase decision without the benefit of the required disclosure, you may be entitled to sue the seller for fraud/misrepresentation.
it depends, if you were out of state at the time, you would file Federal. Otherwise, State.
You cannot just return a car to the seller. There is no cooling off period on the sale of a vehicle. In your situation you can call the seller and ask for your money back, or ask the seller to repair the vehicle. If the seller refuses, your only recourse is to sue the seller in court. If you bought this car "AS IS" and there was no implied or written warranty then you will have to prove in court that the seller knew the engine was about to lock up. You must prove that the car was not serviceable on the day you bought it and the seller knew it. Get a written statement to that fact from 2 mechanics and that will strengthen your case. Otherwise you will probably loose on a car you bought "AS IS'.
First off I do not know what "nct" means. If you bought the car "As Is" the answer is more than likely NO. You will have toi sue the seller in small claims court. The vast majority of the time you will loose.
You need to sue the seller for "rescission of contract." If you do not know her address, you need to call an attorney in your area and sue in general court (not small claims). There, your attorney can do a "summons by publication" which is where an ad in the newspaper serves the seller. Be sure to act quickly to avoid any legal complications.