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If you exchanged insurance and have a valid claim plus evidence of said claim, then yes you could.

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Q: Can you sue for emotional damages a month ago a truck that belongs to an international company rearended you and now anxious to drive to the point of shaking and crying when a car tailgated you today?
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What is the abstract noun of anxiously?

The word 'anxiously' is the adverb form of the adjective 'anxious'.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'anxious' is anxiousness, a word for an emotion.A related abstract noun is 'anxiety' a word for an emotional state.

What reactions do people have to an emotional crisis?

Shock, anger, scared, anxious. I think it depends on the person.

What is the superlative of anxious?

The comparative and superlative forms of anxious are more anxious and most anxious.

How do emotional factors affect learning?

Depending on how you feel in school or wherever you"re learning. If you're anxious in school it could take away from you're learning

What are emotional changes?

Emotional changes refer to shifts in one's feelings and moods, such as feeling happy, sad, anxious, or angry. These changes can be influenced by various factors, including experiences, thoughts, and external events, and can impact behavior and well-being. It's important to acknowledge and address these emotional changes to maintain mental and emotional health.

What is the verbs for anxious?


What is emotional current?

An emotion that is sustained through-out the work or a large part of it. Jane Austin's works can be said to have an emotional undercurrent of 'anxious hope' as young ladies are in desperate need of finding husbands. Charles Dicken's works can be said to have under current of social injustice.

What describes the extent to which people are anxious and impulsive?

The extent to which people are anxious and impulsive is typically described as their level of neuroticism. Neuroticism refers to a personality trait characterized by emotional instability, anxiety, and impulsiveness. Individuals high in neuroticism may often experience feelings of worry, fear, and react impulsively to situations.

How can the word 'anxious' be used in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.He's anxious about the results of the test.Try not to be anxious while you wait.Sitting in the hospital makes me anxious.

How do you use anxious for?

I was anxious about my exam results.

Is anxious an adjective?

Anxious is an Adj (Adjective)

How do you spell anxious?

The correct spelling is 'anxious'.