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A double yellow line means it is hazardous to pass. If you pass someone on a double yellow line you are driving recklessly.

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Q: Can you pass a car on a double yellow line if the car in front of you is driving reckless?
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What does a double yellow centerline mean while driving?

You're not allowed to pass the car in front of you while theres double yellow centerlines. You can only pass a car if theres a single yellow centerline and strips of a yellow centerline on your side of the road or just a yellow strips centerline.

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Cars can overturn for a number of reasons mostly involving reckless or careless driving. It's also possible but unlikely to overturn if a front tire blows out at high speed.

Who is at fault if you are parallel parking and the car that is stopped behind you gets impatient and crosses a double yellow line to pass you and strikes the front left bumper of your car?

They hit you. There is a reason you never cross a double yellow line.

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Can you pass car with double yellow line when a policeman has it stop?

I would not. Wait for direction from the officer before crossing a double yellow line. You won't get in trouble for being cautious, but you can get in trouble for breaking a traffic rule right in front of an officer. Wait... he will waive you on if he wants you to get moving.

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A double front is a double front flip. However, you should not try this without an experienced coach

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Check out your local Yellow pages. Check the front and/or the back of the book for coupons. This will help you find a reliable professional of your liking.

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What is the the minimum interval between your vehicle and the one you are following?

Answer 1Three seconds. Answer 2 In the United Kingdom and most of Europe, it is advised that you leave at least one whole car length between you and the vehicle in front. If the road is wet or icy, you are advised to leave at least two whole car lengths between you and the vehicle in front. Driving too close to another vehicle could get you pulled over for reckless driving and endangering life on the road.

How much is a reckless driving ticket in Indiana?

A speeding ticket varies by the location where you were ticketted, and the speed you were going over the posted limit. I have a ticket in front of me from Wabash, IN on US-24 for 15 mph over the limit. This this is what it says:The court fees are 110.50 ( you pay this amount whether or not you infact take it to court).Then the speeding penalties are 1-15mph, each mph over is 3.50.16-25 mph over is 40.50 per mphand 26 and up is 100.50 per mph over. For the last one you will usually be required to show up in court though.Then there is a base speeding price of what I believe is 50 dollars total but i need to check on that.So for me, i was doing 15 mph over the limit so i think the fine will be 213.50.

Where should you avoid overtaking?

You should avoid overtaking on a double yellow line, hill, curve or any weather condition where you can't safely see if you can overtake the vehicle in front of you.