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We signed the papers to finance a truck for my son. If I remember correctly, it was registered in his name, but we paid the bill. It has been a long time ago.

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Q: Can you have the finance in one name and the car be register to another person?
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Can you finance a car and register it under another name?

if i finance car under my son name and register my name there is any problem with insurence company can give me sales invoice under my name

In New York if you sell a car to another person and they do not register it with motor vechicles what happens?

If they do not register the car in their name then if the car is wrecked or used in a crime then it will come back to haunt you

Can you register a car without being listed on the title?

Yes. When you finance a car, your name isn't on the title.

Can you lease a car in your name and register it in another?

The answer is no. You can only register it in the names of the people(s) that are on the loan.

What is the name of a person who manages the money of a business?

A finance manager is the name of a person who manages the money of a business.

How do I buy a car for my mom and keep the payments in my name?

You should check with the finance company. Some finance companies will not knowingly allow a "straw purchase" which is where you finance something your name when the item is intended for another person. I'm not sure about this part: but it may be illegal in some states. You may want to check the law also.

Responsibilites if you register someone elses car in your name?

Don't do it.You should never register another person's car in your name. Think about it. The only reason would be they are unable to register it in their own name because they have established a poor record for some or many reasons. If the car is in your name you are completely open to legal liability and you will be giving them a green light to destroy your own driving record.

How do you register a gun to another name?

Depends on where you are. In MOST of the US, there is no registration.

Can a wife register a car that is in her husband's name?

If the car is registered in the husbands name only, she cannot register the car. The person who owns the car has to register the car, as the Title office needs a picture ID.

Can you get register for a tag if the title is in someone elses name?

Not unless that other person is there with you.

What is a mvr 2 form?

In North Carolina this form is used as a Dealer Reassigment of ownership. This means when a Dealer buy a car from a person or another dealer and then they re-sale the vehicle to another person or dealer. With this form the dealer does not have to register the vehicle on their name before selling it.

What is Person with the same name as another called?

When a person is namedafter another or has the same name as another person we call him/her namesake. The origin is probably the idea of "a person named for the sake of another".