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Depends. If it's held by a third party company, you may be able to collect personal items out of the vehicle - for a fee. You need to contact the department which had your vehicle impounded to find out precisely what can be done for you.

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Q: Can you get your stuff out of a vehicle that has been impounded?
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Can a vehicle be impounded or forfeited for a dui?

Not only can it, it almost certainly will be (impounded, at least).

Your car was impounded and your husband had extraordinary license inclusive have you got rights what can you do?

Not enough information is supplied about the reason for the vehicle impoundment.For instance - was it impounded as evidence? Was it impounded as being used in a crime? Was it impounded as an unsafe vehicle? Was it seized for drugs? Was it seized pursuant to an arrest for DUI?

Can a dealer tow a vehicle-with their own tow truck-if it has been impounded or if the dealer is repossessing it?

If they are legally repossessing it, it is their truck and they can do what they want with it.

Can a vehicle be impounded for not having a license plate?

No it is not

Can you retrieve license plates from an impounded vehicle?


Can a vehicle be impounded of forfeited?

It can be impounded by the police, a repo man, or for being parked illegally on private property. It can be forfeited if you fail to make payments on time and the bank repossesses the vehicle.

If the owner was not involved can the police have a hold on an impounded vehicle?

Yes, if your car is related in an accident or crime it can be impounded for being part of it.

Who is responsible for storage fees when car is impounded?

The vehicle's owner .

How can you find out if your car has been impounded?

Call 911 to report the car stolen. If it has been repo'd or impounded they will tell you.

Can a vehicle be repossessed if it is blocked in the driveway by another vehicle?

If you have not paid your loan, your vehicle is repossessed. If your vehicle is parked illegally, such as in front of a driveway or in a no parking zone, it is impounded. In both cases, a police report should have been turned in to the local police department. With an impounded vehicle you generally have a parking ticket, a towing fee, and a storage fee. All three must be paid before you get your vehicle back. Next time walk an extra block.

If the car was impounded What is done with the tags?

Normally, they'll remain with the vehicle.

Can a vehicle with a lien on it be impounded and sold?

yup but you still owe the cash