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Not without some paperwork showing that you are leasing the vehicle or something like that. Also, it will be very hard to get insurance on the vehicle. If it were easy, I would probably want to register, drive and insure Jeff Gordon's car. See what I mean.

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Q: Can you get registration on someone elses car?
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What do you need to put insurance on someone elses car?

Registration, license plate number and title right?

If your car is repo and it's in some one else name Is there any way you can get that out that person name so it will not show on there credit because you couldn't pay for it?

Is the loan or the registration in someone elses name??If loan is someone elses name their credit takes the hit there is nothing you can do.If the registration is in someone elses name then they are fine.Hope this helps.

If you buy the car can it be registered in someone elses name?

No. Whoever's name is on the title is going to be on the registration and insurance also. You can pay for the car and title it in somebody elses name, but at that point you've given them a free car, because you have no legal rights to the vehicle at all.

What is registration code for Sims 2 apartment life?

Its a different registration code for everyone - so you cant have someone elses code if they have installed it.

You were driving someone elses car when you go a ticket for no registration no insurance who is responsible?

You for not checking or asking in the first place. Now if that person has these things you were asked for take them to the court and show with explanation

Can get your car out of the pound with your friends traders insurance?

No, the insurance has to be on your car not someone elses.

Can you register your car in someone elses name if its under a loan?


Can I use someone elses address for car insurance?

That is fraud!

If you do not have car insurance can you drive someone elses car?

yes you can but if you wreck and they have insurance their car will be ok but your screwed

How can you find out if someone elses car has been reposed that you have a interest in but not a legal interest?


How much is car insurance on someone elses car?

That is something that you really have tio ask someone about. We can't answer that and the amount varies from person to person anyway.

What happens if someone with suspended license is caught driving someone elses car in California?

It's usually the same punishment as if they were driving their own car.