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You can get public intoxication for anyplace if someone calls the police. My roommate got a public intoxication at home when her daughter called the police about her mother being drunk at home. Then she got a felony for kicking the cop in the balls when they dragged her into the cop car.

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Q: Can you get charged with public intoxication on an apartment parking lot?
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Do most apartment building include parking spaces?

Usually yes. You'll usually get a resident permit in some places but sometimes they can be open to public. If your apartment doesn't have parking spaces near your apartment, then it won't (obviously).

If you received a MIP and public intoxication ticket in Utah but dont live there what is your punishment?

You will be charged whatever fine is associated with that violation.

What is the Fine for public intoxication in South Carolina?

What is the fines for public intoxication in south Carolina

What is public intoxication not involving a car?

Public intoxication generally doesn't involve a vehicle: DUI or OUI (operating under influence) does. Public intoxication, or disorderly intoxication is the act of presenting oneself in an intoxicated, disorderly manner.

Does Iowa have public intoxication law?

Yes, Iowa has a law against public intoxication. It is considered a misdemeanor offense and is defined as being intoxicated in a public place to the point where the person is a danger to themselves or others. Penalties for public intoxication in Iowa can include fines, probation, community service, or even jail time.

Are disable parking spaces required for apartment buildings in California?

Yes. The public parking lots of residential buildings are required to have a certain percentage (or minimum number) of disabled parking spaces based on the number of dwelling units and/or the number of available parking spaces.

If you get charged with a crime in do you have to go to court in that city?

Yes, you have to go to court in the city you were charged in. But if it's a minor violation (traffic, public intoxication, etc.) they often won't pursue you if you don't show up for court.

Describe the elements of public intoxication?

Public intoxication generally refers to the state of being visibly and noticeably impaired due to the consumption of alcohol or drugs in a public place. The elements of public intoxication typically include being intoxicated or under the influence, being in a public place, and engaging in behavior that poses a risk to oneself or others. These behaviors may include impaired coordination, slurred speech, aggressive or disruptive behavior, stumbling or falling, or causing a disturbance. The specific elements may vary depending on local laws and jurisdictions.

Can you get arrested for public intoxication at a hospital?

Of course. A hospital is a public location.

What states have public intoxication laws?


Does Michigan have Public Intoxication law?


Is public intoxication a misdemeanor in Iowa?
