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If you do not own a vehicle you can still purchase auto insurance to cover you when you are driving borrowed vehicles and rented vehicles. Named non-owners insurance is a policy for individuals who drive borrowed cars and have a need for liability insurance. If you are required to provide an SR-22 to the DMV to keep your driving privilege and do not own a vehicle, named non-owners policies are the best solution. These policies will provide you with liability coverage in any car you do not own if you are found At Fault for injuries or damage.

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9y ago

Yes,, You can purchase a Non-Owners Auto Insurance policy. Sometimes this coverage is referred to as an Operators or a Drivers insurance policy. The coverage is most often offers Liability coverage, medical as well a uninsured and under-insured motorists coverage.

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Q: Can you get auto insurance without a vehicle?
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Can I obtain insurance without a car?

re: auto insurance, no; auto insurance is written on the vehicle, not on a person.

In what state can you operate a vehicle without auto insurance?


Can you register a vehicle without insurance in Texas?

No. Mandatory auto insurance is a state law in Texas.

Can you get auto insurance without an auto?

It depends on the insurance company. There are some out there where you can get insurance on you to drive any vehicle and be covered, it is normally more expensive that way.

Can you carry auto insurance with no car?

You have to have a vehicle to carry auto insurance.

Can you cancel auto insurance if you are not driving?

If you don't own a vehicle, or have no intention of driving, you do not have to maintain auto insurance.

How many days after buying a car do you have to purchase auto insurance?

You should not drive this vehicle at all on public roads without insurance.

Is there a Sr22 that will cover non owned company vehicle?

An SR22 filing would have to accompany your Personal auto insurance policy. Personal Auto insurance "never" provides coverage for a commercial company vehicle with or without an SR22 filing.

How long do you have to get insurance if you buy a car with cash from another individual?

If you already have auto insurance on another vehicle, most insurance companies will cover you up to a month while you work on insuring the new vehicle. On the other hand, if you do not already have auto insurance, you had best not be driving the new vehicle until you get insurance. If auto insurance companies find that you've been driving without insurance they will raise your rates when you DO get around to it, and they'll put you into a high-risk group.

How do you get insurance if you don't have a vehicle?

There is no need for auto insurance if you don't have a vehicle. What would there be to insure ?

What is the legal if drives your friend car in that car is not insured and you get a ticket for driving without insurance?

If there is no insurance on the vehicle and you get a ticket for driving without insurance you are guilty of the offense and will have to pay your fine. Even though the vehicle belongs to someone else it is the responsibility of the driver to make sure there is valid auto insurance on the vehicle before driving it.

Will auto insurance cover a vehicle if an underage driver took it without permission and wrecked it?

If you are willing to charge this driver with auto theft it probably will. If not, the insurance company will assume you are giving him permission after the fact.