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most of the countries legally its a crime to export without telling the finance company and most of them dont allow this at all. its one of the scam people use to export cars on cheap prices and then declare car is stolen after it left the country with no or very less chance of being recovered.

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Q: Can you export a financed car if you still owe money on it?
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Can you get insurance money instead of repair?

If the car is not financed-Yes

What is a financed car?

A "financed" car is one that is purchased with money that is loaned to you. You then make monthly payments at a certain rate and percentage for a certain number of years and months. The car is owned outright by the one who lent the money.

Can you return a used car purchased from a dealer?

A car bought from a dealer is usually financed by a bank they want there money not the car back

If your car is financed through a dealer do you have to have full coverage insurance?

I believe it depends on the state, but as far as I know, if you have to have full coverage on a financed car, it doesn't matter where it's financed. If you still have questions, ask your insurance person, they'll know the answer.

What happens if you part out a financed car?

You still owe the finance company the balance owed.

Can you register a financed car?

You can, should, and are legally required to register a financed car.

What happens if a vehicle is insured by you but financed in your fiances name and he passed away in the accident?

Explain to them that you shared the financed "account," and you should receive the money because they car was also your car. Though, sorry to hear about your fiance :(

Can you cancel insurance on a financed car if your drivers license is revoked?

Unfortunately not, because the car still needs to be covered no matter the situation.

If you owe money on a financed car that's reposessed and buy another car can anyone take your newly purchased car?

Yes, especially if you leave the keys in it.

How do you sell a car that is still financed to a provate party?

Legally you can't ! The car belongs to the finance company until it's paid off !

Can you turn in a car that is financed and is not fully paid for?

Yes, if you want to ruin your credit and still be responsible for the difference in what the car sells for and the balance on the note.