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In general, yes. But they've put big taxes on diesel.

I have also converted an #2 oil furnace to reliably burn the motor oil from our van fleet

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Q: Can you burn diesel fuel in your oil furnace?
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Can ultra low sulfur diesel fuel be used for fuel in an oil furnace?

Fuel oil and diesel fuel are similar, but they are not the same thing. Each has its own ASTM standards. Check with your heating oil supplier. If you don't trust his opinion, check with the manufacturer of your furnace. Those are the two groups of experts.

How do you Convert motor oil to diesel fuel?

Short of re-refining it there is no good way to break the long molecules of motor oil into the size that makes diesel fuel. You can add small amounts of motor oil to diesel fuel and it will burn but it is not recommended.

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New ractors use diesel fuel but back before the 1970s they used gas or distilate (furnace oil).

Can you use the oil from your truck too heat your home?

If you are talking about standard #2 diesel fuel oil and not motor oil and you have a #2 oil fired furnace or boiler in the home the answer is yes .

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what type of "HEATING OIL" #2 #4 #6 (Bunker C )

Is diesel a gas or an oil?

diesel is a fuel that has oil in it

What is the main type of fuel used in a furnace that heats an apartment building?

Fuel oil or heating oil. IT's similar to diesel fuel and come in two grades. No 1 and 2. One is thinner and is used in cold climates.

Can you burn diesel in a kerosene heater?

Diesel and Kerosene are extremely similar.In fact Kerosene is often called #1 Fuel Oil and Diesel is called #2 Fuel Oil.Diesel should burn fine in a kerosene heater, unless you are trying to light it in very cold weather.

Can you use diesel fuel to heat your house?

And the question is: "What is an oil fired furnace or boiler" Yes you can. But why would you with the cost of heating oil being the worst choice of energy? lc

Can number 4 fuel oil be used in a diesel engine?

No #4 diesel fuel oil is for oil burners and will not ignite in a diesel egine

How can you re-ignite an oil furnace?

Don't try to do it yourself. Be safe and try to get a furnace technician to help reignite the oil/diesel furnace from a company that specialises in furnace repair instead.

How many calories in 1 liter Diesel oil?

There are not any calories in diesel fuel oil. Diesel fuel oil should not be consumed by humans or animals. Consumption of the fuel oil can be fatal.