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As long as the papers have not been sent in or filed on a government PC, then there should be no problem unless the car dealer is obstinate and problematic.

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Q: Can you back out of a car deal after the papers are signed but the cash down payment was not given and the car was NOT taken off the lot?
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If you still have the title to the trade, you may not have effectively given a down payment. By turning over the title you have given down payment and that establishes the rest of the contract. For a contract to be enforceable you have to sign the papers, take possession when appropriate and pay some amount of money. Signing the loan papers MIGHT be considered paying for the vehicle, depending on the laws in your state. If you know the lending institution you can decline up to the point when the funds are disbursed.

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It would seem reasonable that, yes, you could back out of this deal now. The dealership is going to throw a tantrum but don't let them intimidate you. Stick to your guns and you'll be just fine.

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Borrowed, signed out, taken out.

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hope can not be taken, it can only be given