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Sure, if you can get the person who holds the title to sign it over to the buyer.

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Q: Can a person sell a car to another person when the car is not in their name?
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In New York if you sell a car to another person and they do not register it with motor vechicles what happens?

If they do not register the car in their name then if the car is wrecked or used in a crime then it will come back to haunt you

What age can one sell a car to?

you have to be 18 to own a car and have your name on the title. but you can sell a car to a person under 18 and have their parents put their name on the title

Can you sell a car were a person died in?

Yes you can sell a car that a person died in. You can sell a house where a person died also.

What do you call a person who drives a car for a person or another name?

kelsey budna

Can you sign another person's signature to a car title to sell it?

NO, that's commonly known as forgery.

Can you sell a car you have paid cash for and have receipt on but not personally titled?

No, you cannot sell a car that is not titled in your name. That would be a crime, transferring stolen property. The car legally belongs to the person whose name appears on the title.

Can any person sell car of not his own car?

You cannot sell a car that you do not own.

If you sell your car and want to keep your tags for future car what do you do?

You can keep your license plate, when you sell the car. The license plate is attached to your name. When you purchase another card you can use the license plate.

Can i sign someones name as seller on car title if i bought car?

No. That is fraud. You need to get the signature of the person whose name is on the title. If your name is on the title you can sell it. If not you can't.

What is another name for rebel or undisciplined person also a type of car?


How do you sell cars without a car lot?

You can put the car(s) on your property and sell them or another person's property if you got permission from the owner of the property. You can also sell them online for example "craigslist" or "zidaho" or other online saling website.

Can a car be reposessed if its under another persons name?

The car can not be under another's name legally. Cars with a loan must be in that person's name. If you bought a car that was not paid off and the loan was not cleared you bought the car and the loan. Yes, they can get the car. That is why they put liens in the car. It prevents anyone from buying the car!