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In most places, yes. A vehicle can be under lien just about anywhere in US or Canada.

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Q: Can a mobile home have a lean when it is a vehicle title?
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What to do when the wrong lien holder is on the vehicle title?

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What can you do if a car has been sold and they have not paid for the car?

Well if you have not signed the title over to the buyer or if you have a lean on the title you can have the vehicle repossessed. If you have signed over the title to the buyer without putting a lean on it 1st there is nothing you can do. I own a recovery company and know a few laws. Good luck.

If a salvage yard owns a car is the title considered salvage?

Depends on the existing title, if the salvage company owns the vehicle and it does not have a salvage title then they would be just another owner like anyone else and this vehicle would have a clean title assuming that there are no lean holders. On the other hand if the vehicle in question has already received a salvage/non repairable or similar title then salvage/non repairable or similar title would follow the vehicle not a clean title.

How do you obtain your new car title after it has been fully paid for and the lien released by the finance company?

The lien holder should send you a lean clearance letter. You can take the waiting clearance letter and the title to the motor vehicle department and apply for a clear title.

Can I ask for a title loan when purchasing a new car.?

No. You are not able to get a title loan on a car that is not fully owned by you. By this it means if there is a lean on your vehicle you are not able to get a loan on it, because it is not yours to give away if you do not pay your loan off with the company.


any lean on vehicle

Can the co-owner of a vehicle repossess it from the other co-owner who has always had possession of the vehicle without the permission of the lender and the payments are up to date?

A Co-Owner has all the same rights to the vehicile as the owner, who by the way is also a co-owner. See Co-Owned..

any wreackage?

any lean on vehicle

Can you sell your car to a salvage yard if it has a lean on it?

No you cannot. reguardless of whether the vehicle is undrivable or in perfect shape the lienholder must be notified if the car is to be sold scrapped or otherwise. To do so (sell scrap same thing)without telling the lienholder is a crime. only a clear title permits you to sell a vehicle on your own. If you have a lien you must pay that off before the title can be transfered.

If it is a non license mechanic can they file for a lean on a car title?

To the best of my knowledge "NO" they can not

Can you sue someone for selling a car that had a lean on title without letting you no?


What does an anti roll bar do?

It dampens the vehicle's tendency to lean over when cornering.