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A DOT officer is still a law enforcement officer, and has the jurisdiction to give traffic citations.

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Q: Can a dot oFficer give a private car owner a ticket?
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Can a police officer give you a ticket on a private road?

yes and noif its your property noif its not then yes, that is called trespassing:)

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Yes, if the owner of the complex has given the police written permission to issue tickets on the property.

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Can you get a traffic ticket on private property in pa?

If you are in Philadelphia PA Department of License and Inspections can give you a ticket on your vehicle on private property if it is not legal or there are to many vehicles on your property.

Can a police officer give you a ticket for something that is legal in another state?

If it's illegal in the state of the ticketing officer, yes!

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Because the balloon broke the law of gravity!

Can an officer change a speeding ticket after it has been issued in the state of Georgia?

You don't give any information on your situation but the court will usually allow an officer to amend a ticket and that is true in all states.