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A dealer can do whatever they want, they are not legally obliagted to sell you any car.

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Q: Can a dealer refuse an 1800 down payment if no contract was signed?
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Can a dealer refuse to refund a down payment if you refuse the car?

Depending on what you signed when you made the down payment, yes. Take a look at any papers you signed. Depending on the size of down, take them to small claims court.

Can a car dealer legally refuse to give back a downpayment?

It totally depends on which country you are from.Check the Terms and Conditions of the contract, which you should have done BEFORE you signed it. Some dealers will not refund a deposit or down payment.

You signed a contract for a used car the car dealer still has the car you have not given your down payment can you get out?


What if you buy a new car in ca with a factory rebate then a week later the dealer wants you to sing a new contract with out the rebate?

Refuse and demand your rebate. You signed a contract that not only you have to live with but so does the dealer. The contract works both ways and all you have to do is say NO!

Once you have a signed contract from a dealer can the dealer go back on his word?

Once you and the dealer have signed the contract, it is a binding contract agreement and it responsible by law. You can take him to court if he doesn't keep his part of the agreement.

Can you get out of contract of a new vehicle when the contract you signed is not the car?

If the car that the dealer delivers is not the car that is identified in the contract, then the DEALER is in default, not you.

If a client gives down payment with no formal papers signed can the dealer refuse in giving a refund if deal was canceled?

A sales contract is assumed to exist if money changed hands. The buyer gave cash in good faith and the seller must deliver the item promised or a refund.

If you have financing from your financial institution and go buy a car is there any legal reason for the dealer to rescind your contract?

Have A County Attorney Read Your Contract, And Tell Him The Reason Stated By The Car Dealer. If Its In The Contract The Dealer Signed He Has To Fulfill His Signed Agreement. If He Has Not Entered Into A Contract With You On The Car, Signed By Himself. Then You Will Need To Walk Away. GOOD LUCK

Is there a way to get out of a signed contract with a car dealership?

Not unless the dealer agrees to void the contract or fraud was involved. You signed it, and you will have to live with that decision.

Can a dealer take back a car 6 days after you signed the contract?


If you returned your car to the dealer before your payment is due does it go on your credit?

Technically, a sale is not complete until money is exchanged. The law in some states is different though, and if you signed a contract PROMISING to pay, the contract defines the sale.

Can a car dealership refuse to pay off trade when it is in the contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between the parties who have signed it, unless written into the contract otherwise, all parties are bound by the terms of the agreement/contract they signed.