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NO, that is the job of the leinholder. YOU dont want the responsibility of repoing it either. IF you are listed on the TITLE as co-owner, you can go get your car. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the fruits of co-signing.

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Q: Can a co-signer have a car legally repossessed because of non-payments?
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If a car was voluntary repossessed and the cosigner was not notified is the cosigner still responsible?

Yes. If you signed the loan, you are still legally responsible for it.

If you cosigned for a car and it got repossessed voluntarily what will it do to your credit and will you owe?

Whether a repossession is done "voluntarily" by the primary or through the action of the lender, the primary borrower and the cosigner are still legally responsible for all the terms of the lending agreement. The affect the repossession has on the cosigner's credit history will depend upon the actions of the lender to recover the debt owed.

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women could legally get a checking account on their own without a cosigner in the U.S. in present day today.

How long before your vehicle can legally be repossessed?


Is the cosigner of an auto loan responsible for the loan if the loan was refinanced by the buyer without the knowledge or consent of the cosigner?

No, the refinancing without the consent or knowledge of the original cosigner created a breach of the original lending agreement and the cosigner is no longer legally obligated for the debt.

Can a loan company place a lien on a cosigner's home?

They cant legally "threaten" to do do anything that they cant legally do, so the answer is YES, they can attach your home.

Can your federal tax refund be taken if you cosigned for a truck that was repossessed?

Legally, YES.

What is the insurance liability for the cosigner of an auto loan?

None. A cosigner is entering into a legally binding contract to repay the debt if the primary borrower defaults on the lending agreement. The cosigner does not have any other obligation nor ownership rights to the property.

Does lender have to send notice of default or intention to repossessed before taking the merchandise?

Legally NO!

Owner of car stole it back from repossession company?

If it was repossessed legally then he is guilty of theft

Can you legally go and take your car back after it has been repossessed?

NO,thats Grand Theft.

If you are the primary cosigner on a car and your son is the secondary cosigner can he legally have the car voluntarily repossessed without your consent?

well, if you want the loan AND the car, go get it. Tell the bank that you will keep the car.The bank really doesnt want the car, they want money.Otherwise, the bank will let him give it up if he cant pay. THE co-signor is the one with GOOD credit. If the signor didnt need help getting the loan, there would be no "co" signor.