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No. All finance companies require you to carry full coverage, for their protection of the money they funded If you don't, they will buy it for you, send you the bill and/or add it in the monthly payment. If you do not make the full payment they will repossess the car. Your insurance will pay you the current market value of your car, with a check, if totaled, unless your insurance denies the claim because of DUI, you get nothing, But going under the assumption you were not DUI, you can use that money for anything, legally, buy another car or whatever. But the dealer where you bought the car is uninvolved. The only way that dealer becomes involved is if you use your claim money to buy another car from them, but they will not "Give you another car"

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Q: Can a car dealer that I financed a car from give me another car if my car has been totaled?
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What is a sentence for totaled?

This is total nonsense!My total is 52.

Do you get to keep the car after its been totaled?

Only if you buy it.

Can you insure a car that has been totaled?

Not while still "totaled". Since everything is tracked by the VIN# you won't be able to insure a totaled vehicle until such time that it's made roadworthy and has a reconstructed title.

Can you return a car to the dealer that has been financed?


How might one dispose of a totaled car?

A vehicle that has been totaled can be sold for scrap and parts through junk yards or scrap metal yards. Also there are several businesses that will pay a small amount of money to take the scrap from a totaled car.

Are used car dealers required to inform buyers if car has been wrecked?

No, only if it has been totaled and has a rebuilt title.

Why is the bank reporting a car as a repossession when it was stolen and totaled and you are still paying for it?

Because the lender repossessed the car from where ever it was after being totaled.IF you had gotten the car back after it was totaled, it couldn't have been a repossession.

What do you do if you find out your car was wrecked and you were never told by the dealer?

If you mean "totall loss" or "written off" then take them to Court. The dealer has no legal obligation to inform you that a car has been wrecked, unless you ask. Now if the car was totaled and then rebuilt and re-titled, then you may have legal recorse. Some states require that the dealer inform buyers of this and some states don't. Contact you State Attorney General for the your states laws on this. This is where a service like Car Fax can be of benefit.

Can you refinance a car loan after the car has been totaled and repossessed to get lower payments?

NO. You no longer have collateral to secure the loan. Unless you are willing to use real estate or another vehicle that is fully paid off and owned for security.

Can another bank or dealer help to get your car back after the 2nd time?

No, and it is not likely any would if what you are saying is that your vehicle has been repossessed twice.

Can you get full coverage auto insurance for a totaled car?

Has the vehicle been repaired and inspected and title cleaned up? If so no problem, if not I suppose you can if the company you are requesting ins. from doesn't do their homework. But I promise you should you have another loss, this will resurface.