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No, only when you are required to have full coverage insurance and you dont, and the obvious that you do not make a payment.

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Q: Can a car be repossessed for not having tags?
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When your car has been repossessed can your tags be mailed to you?

I think yes your your tags should be mailed to you but better is you have confirm with your car loan lenders.

What happens to the tags on a car when it has been repossessed?

They take out the personal belongings. This includes the tags. Check with the repo company or lender for that stuff back.

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Will a police officer give you a ticket in MD for not having two tags on your car?

You will not be cited for not having two tags if your car is registered in a state that requires the car to have only the rear tag.

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Can a car be towed for not having valid tags?


Can your car be repo'ed if you have the title?

IF your vehicle is collateral for loan in DEFAULT, it CAN be repoed.

If your driver's license is suspended can your car be repossessed?

Not for simply having your licence suspended. Now, if you lose your job as a result of it, and are unable to make your car payments, then it can be repossessed for nonpayment.

Your car has been repossessed today you know where it is your tags are still on it can you go and drive it away?

depends on your state about the tags whether they stay with the car,or if you can go claim them, as for taking the car after its been repossed most professional companies have reported it to the police and the bank. taking the car back would be auto theft

Can the city have your car towed off your property?

If you get it repossessed then yes. Also, if you car is a junked or disabled vehicle (extreme damage and without tags), they might remove it. In some places, the property appearance standards are that high, so what you have to do is keep tags on the vehicles or keep them out of sight.

What happens if you get your car repossessed?

if i get my car repossessed, can they put a llien on the house?