I assume you mean other than your home address. But the answer is yes, it can be repossessed anywhere, provided they are not breaking and entering, such as a locked garage....
Yes, a car can be repossessed even if another car is in front of it. The person in charge of repossession the vehicle can call the police to help them get the car.
If you have had a car repossessed, you have not kept up with the payments. You probably still owe money on the repossessed car. In these circumstances, the fact is that you can not afford to purchase another car and would not be able to obtain the finance to do so.
Yes, the car can be repossessed from any open location, your driveway, an open garage,and any kind of parking lot, etc. Sorry.
There may be more to it. Call the banks legal department and ask them for cause.
if i get my car repossessed, can they put a llien on the house?
Your car was probably repossessed by the lender who owns the car until you pay for it. Call your lender and they will be able to tell you how to locate your repossessed car.
No, but your car can be repossessed if you don't make the payments.
Repossessed cars may be purchased from many car dealerships some specialize in repossessed vehicles and others may have the occasional defaulted payment. Another great place to find repossessed cars is with a financial institution, there are many people struggling, taking credit, the car is often the first thing repossessed when the loan is called in.
YES, usually you pay MORE down payment and/or higher interest rates.
One Kansas attorney says 20 days and another says 10 days.