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Q: Approximately how many of the occupants killed annually in passenger vehicle collisions are unrestrained?
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How many of the occupants killed annually in passenger vehicle collisions aren't wearing seatbelts?

more than half, 54 percent

What causes an unrestrained passenger in a car to fly forword when the car stops suddenly?


What are the separate collisions that occupants can experience when a crash occurs?

They are known as 'secondary' injuries to the original collision because they occur AFTER the occupant suffers the impact of the initial collision and occurs when the passenger is thrown around either inside the vehicle or ejected from it. The three collisions that happen when a car crashes is: 1. the car with the object 2. your body with the car 3. your internal organs with your skeleton.

What percent of passenger car occupants in Indiana who were ejected from their vehicle in a collision did not survive?


What Percent of passenger car occupants in the US who were ejected from their vehicle in an accident did not survive?


How many people died in 2008 that were not wearing their seatbelt?

In 2008, 53% of passenger vehicle occupants killed in crashes were not wearing seat belts. This translates to approximately 13,000 fatalities involving people who were not wearing seat belts.

How many percent of passenger car occupants in Indiana who were ejected from their vehicle in a collision did not survive?


Describe the likely motion of an unrestrained rear seat passenger in a car which collides with a tree at 60 kilometres per hour?

The passenger would move forward, and either hit the seat or the windshield due to the inertia of the passenger (tendency to not change motion).

How many collisions occur when a vehicle hits a solid object?

There are 3 collisions that occur when a vehicle hits a solid object; the initial impact, the passenger impact on restraints or parts of the vehicle, passengers suffering internal collisions with organs

Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?

A dead body being transported as cargo does not count as an occupant. HOV lanes requires two or more occupants (presumably, living occupants) in the passenger compartment of the vehicle.

Who can be charged with possession of drug paraphernalia when there are 3 occupants in vehicle?

Driver is responsible. At least in Europe.Added; (in the US) Unless the paraphernalia is actually found on one of the occupants, if all passengers in the interior opf the car could have conceivably reached it, all can be charged with "Concurrent Possession." (e.g.: If the paraphernalia was in the glove compartment, and the back seat passenger could not have had ready access to it, only the two front seat occupants would be charged, the back seat passenger would not be charged.)

Can an officer in Florida search passenger if the driver was excessive speeding and the passenger wasn't suspicious at all?

If the officer can articulate a reasonable suspicion that supported a vehicle search of the vehicle and occupants then it was valid and legal. Your evaluation of un-suspicious passenger bahavior may be entirely different than that of the officers.