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i am very sorry !

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Q: Apology letter for being late at work?
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Reasons for being late for work that begins with the letter a?

Alcohol addiction, AA blackballed me.

Explanation letter for late for work?

The reason for me being late every day is because want to send my kids to my parents' house a staying near by.

Reply letter of show cause memo regarding tardiness?

Please accept my most sincere apologize for being late prevoius Month.and I realize how value my work in Time with us as an employee. Forgive my tardiness in getting in touch with you. I fear that this might also be, by now, irrelevant, I promise to change and not be late again. I understand that it might be difficult for you to accept my apology but hope that this letter will help.and hope that you will be able to give me another chance.

How do you make a sample of excuse letter for being absent in work?

A letter for being absent from work needs to be addressed to the appropriate person, and needs to state the reason for the absence, as well as the date of the absence. The letter needs to be simple and straight to the point. A simple salutation, the date and the reason for the absence, as well as an apology for the inconvenience are enough. If the absence is for medical reasons, a 'doctor's note' should be attached.

Sample of formal work excuse letter?

Dear Mr. or Ms. (Name of Boss), Please accept this letter as a formal notice that I was unable to attend work on (dated) because of (reason for absence). Thank you, (your name). If you have a medical note from a doctor stating that you should miss work, make a copy of this and present it with the letter.

How can you respond the memo for being late at office?

The best way to respond to a memo about being late to work is to be honest. Explain the reason why you were late and that you will not be making a habit of being late.

How is sample letter being late to work?

A letter that is written concerning that a person will not be late should be formal but short. Do not give excuses. Just explain in the letter that it will not happen again and how you will achieve this goal.

By law are you allowed to be five minutes late for work?

There's no law concerning being late for work. Each company has rules. They expect you to be on time. Yes, they can fire you for being late.

Explanation letter for late come to work?

Sir, I'd like to offer my sincerest apology for being late those 3 days in the month of October 2011 to attend the office. and accept full responsibility for my actions. Though this was due to uncontrollable circumstances e.g. Traffic Jam, I understand my duty to be on time and will make every effort to restrain any issue that would restrict me from arriving to office in a timely manner in the future. .

The probability that i am late for work is 0.4 what is the probability that i am not late for work?

the probability is 1(being the maximum)- the probability you have allredy got. the answer is 0.6

Sample of excuse letter for being absent in work?

excuse letter for being absent in work due flood

How do you make explanation letter of tardiness?

First, it depends on the situation. Is this the first time you were ever tardy? Is the letter or note going to your boss at work, or were you tardy for your classes at school? Were you tardy because you couldn't get yourself organized (a problem with time management) or were you tardy because of a family emergency? The circumstances will be important in what kind of letter you are writing. In all cases, you begin by addressing the person respectfully, using their name and title. I am a professor, so if a student were sending me an apology for being tardy, the letter would begin: Dear Professor Halper. If it's your boss, it would be Dear Mr. (or Mrs. or Miss or Ms. or Dr., or however they like to be called in a formal setting). Then, you would apologize for being tardy (in America, we tend to use the word "late" rather than tardy, but in other countries, especially those that use British English, the word "tardy" is still common). You would next explain the circumstances-- the reason for your tardiness, what happened that caused you to be late. You would also let the person know that you are not normally a tardy person, and you would promise to be on time in the future. You conclude by repeating your apology-- something like: Once again, I apologize for being late for class (or late for the meeting, or whatever you were late/tardy for). You would then sign it with Sincerely yours, and your name.