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I think that you need to pay what you owe. You should call them and see what their policy is. I wish you luck:)

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Q: After you pay off a vehicle when it was repossessed can a lender refuse to return it unless you pay off other unpaid debts that you have with the same lender?
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Can a repo agent refuse to return personal property from a repossessed vehicle when the property does not belong to the note holder and then lie to the lender when you consult with them?

== == NO

After a vehicle is repossessed and you pay it off in full when does the lender have to return the vehicle to you is it as soon as its paid off or can they take a few days to return it?

If the vehicle is paid it is yours you should not have to wait any amount of time.

How you do get your car back after being repossessed?

You need to contact your lender to see if they will work with you on getting caught up on your back payments. Some state laws allow the lender to require you to pay the vehicle off in full and some state laws require the lender to return the vehicle to you if you can catch up on the amount you are behind. You need to check your state law and contact your lender.

Do the car dealer have to return rims that were added to the repossessed vehicle?


Is it against the law in Florida to refuse to return a repossessed car?

CIVIL law YES, criminal no.

What if your car was repossessed and you can't find out where it is to get your belongings?

Contact the lender they have to tell you where your car is so you can get your belongings.If they refuse send them a certified letter demanding the return of your property, list what you can and the approximate value.At the same time file a stolen property report with the police.If you don't hear from the lender sue in court.

If your car has been repossessed in Virginia a redemption state but you have paid the redemption value to the lender how long should you have to wait for the return or release of your vehicle?

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. ONE day is the norm.

Can a car be repossessed if the owner dies before the first payment is due?

The car can be repossessed. The estate is responsible to return the vehicle and resolve the lease or loan.

What can the buyer do when they have reached an agreement with the creditor to recover a repossessed vehicle but the repossession company refuses to return personal items or release the vehicle?

Take them to court. * It is possible they are within their legal rights to hold the vehicle and its contents if a replevin order or other court order is in effect. Often the lender's agent cannot release the vehicle until they are informed by the lender that all the reaffirmation documentation has been finalized including checks clearing, insurance confirmation and so forth.

You just paid what they said you were behind on and they Repo it anyway with no notice?

Notice is not necessary in all state prior to repossession. In fact it is not necessary in most states. If you have paid current on the loan, and the repossession occurred anyway, this is likely a communication lag between the lender and the repossession company. It happens often. Contact your lender and explain what happened. Be patient and polite--they are not required to return the vehicle. They likely will because they want your money not the car. Ask the lender how you can get your vehicle back. Ask them who has your vehicle, and call that company to explain the vehicle was "wrongfully repossessed" and why. Again, be patient and polite--these people have your car.

If you voluntarily let your car be repossessed by the lender do you still have to pay on the loan?

Yes! It will still be listed on your credit report as a voluntary return and you will still be responsible for the cost

In Tennessee is it better to get the car back or let the dealership have it?

The dealership is not involved unless the vehicle is leased. If the dealership has repossessed a leased vehicle, it is gone; you will not get it back. If the vehicle was being purchased by loan and the lender has repossessed it, you may get it back, but you have to balance what you would owe against what you do owe. To recover a repossessed vehicle, you may have to pay the following fees: * Past due balance * Any late fees associated with the delinquency * Repossession fees * Storage fees * Legal fees * Court costs * Recovery fees (the cost associated with processing the paperwork to return the vehicle to you). However, if you do not retake possession of the vehicle, you will still be responsible for most of these additional costs, and you will have nothing to show for it.