Dick, AKA Robin, cheated on Kori, AKA Starfire, once. They was going to get married. But Dick slept with his true love Barbara, AKA Oracle. But the wedding was ruined by Evil Raven. Now, are Dick and Kori just friends.
Starfire because in a episode starfire kissed robin.
Yeah.They did.
Yes, in the comics.
As far as I'm concerned, Starfire is the only one
It was back in the 80s, The New Teen Titans #2 that Starfire kisses Robin and absorbs his language.
No. They never did. But Robin and Starfire kissed in the movie "Trouble in Tokyo".
starfire is the one. why? because robin only treated raven as his best friend period. and if you want to prove it to yourself then watch these episodes betrothed,date with destiny, stranded, and teen titans the movie trouble in Tokyo
robin and starfire
Is she 17