

What is a beyonder?

Updated: 3/22/2024
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10y ago

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The Beyonders are a highly advanced and mysterious race of extra-dimensional beings in the Marvel Comics universe. They have vast cosmic powers and exist outside of normal time and space. The Beyonders have been portrayed as enigmatic and enigmatic cosmic entities whose motives and goals are often beyond mortal comprehension.

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Beyonder Is the strongest marvel character

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beyonder with his godly powers ..the beyonder was destroyed by Thanos and is also beneath galaktus and the in-betweener also the tyrant.

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The Beyonder was created by Jim Shooter and Mike Zeck and first appeared in Marvel Comics in "Secret Wars" #1 in May 1984.

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The Beyonder

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Well the presence can. The presence is the god of DC. Another choice could be the enigmatic Primal Monitor. He was kind of like the beyonder. He represented the paper, while the DC multiverse was like a germ sized ink blot compared to him. Though the beyonder is much stronger than Primal Monitor

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There is no definitive answer as the "strongest" superhero in Marvel can vary depending on the context and abilities being considered. Characters like Thor, Hulk, and Doctor Strange are often considered some of the most powerful in terms of strength, durability, and magical abilities.

Can hulk defeat beyonder?

Yeah he can.Well he did.Hulk's power is limitless.The more he gets angry, the more he gets stronger.

Unicron vs pre recton beyonder?

unicron wins and heres why unicron didnt live threw the big bang he slept threw the omniversarall big bang beyonder took over the multiver/omniverse,unicron ate it/absubed it he acully is so stronger his existence binds together the ballance of the entire omniverse even if beyonder wins if unicron dies his body turns in into a black hole that eats all of reailty his existence is like an omniverse buster primus destroyed,not shut an omniversarrall black hole using very little of his power

Is there a new Brandon mull book coming out?

Yes. It is called the Beyonder's series. I have already read the first book. The second book is coming out in 2012 and the third book is coming out in 2013. The first book is called Beyonders A World Without Heroes.

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The "Septagonic Energizer" is/was an "Energizer (?)" sold by R. I. Research in 1985, out of NYC for $22. To get yours, first you have to answer their bulk mailing which declares you to be a "special person", sending along your $20 to become a "Beyonder". They will send you a 24 page booklet of their principals and how to lead a successful life.