Portrayed means they play as that character. Eg. In Dani's House the person is Dani Harmer but Zark the girl alien plays Dani and Toby which is actually Harry Culverhouse but Zang the boy alien played as Toby.
The emotions that are potrayed in soap operas are sad , angry ,joyful , worried ,and last faithful.
First documented use; Mary MacCarthy, 1950. Oddly, its use has changed dramatically to mean the oligarchy potrayed in 1984
Get back in the kitchen and make me my sandwich.
Golden eagle
They weren't they were actually ruthless. They caused much bloodshed. The image of highwaymen being romantic was potrayed through poetry and stories. However it doesn't mean it was truthful.
Val Kilmer :)
The Mongols
In shippuden Gaara is potrayed as a good character.
Jeff Daniels
Constance Marie is know for her role as Angie on George Lopez
she is never portrayed as an aniimal. she is always portrayed with a baby boy at her breast or with her husband.
no they did not agree with the advancement of his medical studies. they potrayed it as wizardry