The name Marisa does not directly stand for something; such as Nate stands for Nathan. However, in Latin it means "of the sea".
to stand upsingpraygive moneykneelto bequiet
Matt roper, british comedian / stand-up comic. met him years ago. beautiful guy!
stand up be quiet pray sing
Nigahiga has never said what it "stand's for," but I would say he wanted something that rhymes with Higa, his last name.
preech shout stand come to front
John's last name from the Garfield comic strip is Arbuckle.
The first name of the comic named Philips is Emo Philips.
Look at your comic book. Talk to yourself what this is about. Then you can think of a creative name for your comic book.
The name of the comic about Leif Erikson is "The Vinland Saga".
no the brand name was picked because people felt "peppy" when they drank it and the company needed a name.