In the "Marvel Zombies" comic series, a virus from an alternate universe infected Earth's superheroes, turning them into zombies. The virus spread rapidly, leading to a world where most of the heroes and villains had turned into flesh-eating zombies.
Venom appears briefly already as a zombie & zombie Spider-Man kills him quickly due to the symbiote not being able to absorb adrenaline from Eddie Brock's dead body.
You can read Marvel Zombies in the following order: Marvel Zombies: Dead Days Marvel Zombies (2005) Marvel Zombies 2 Marvel Zombies 3 Marvel Zombies 4 Marvel Zombies 5 Marvel Zombies Return Marvel Zombies Supreme
they will make a marvel zombies movie somewhere in 2018 or 2019 idk
The ISBN of Marvel Zombies Return is 0-7851-4277-0.
The ISBN of Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness is 0-7851-2743-7.
The ISBN of "Marvel Zombies" by Robert Kirkman is 978-0785122777.
with money
no they are not sorry
As of now, there are no official announcements for a Marvel Zombies movie. However, with the popularity of the Marvel Universe, it's always a possibility for future projects.
Marvel Zombies was published in December 2005 to April 2006. It was a five-issue limited series published by Marvel and was written by Robert Kirkman with its artwork done by Sean Philips .
he got a heart attack
Longbox of the Damned - 2012 Marvel Zombies 1-3 was released on: USA: 3 October 2012
no duhhh....gambit turns to a zombie!