Rin Sohma, also known as Isuzu Sohma, is a character from the manga and anime series Fruits Basket. She is a member of the Sohma family cursed by the zodiac animals. Rin is depicted as a complex and troubled character with a tumultuous relationship with Hatsuharu Sohma.
Akito is the leader of the Sohma clan. He is 163.8 cm tall, weighs 43 kg, is a blood type AB, and his sign is Cancer. He has black hair and dark brown eyes. For more information visit, http://fruitsbasket.aucifer.com/character_profile.php?ID=13
Yuuki Cross is 5 foot even. Tho I'm not sure how tall Yuuki Kuran is due to her hair growing and her body muttered when she is reawaken so she may have grew a couple inches lol most likely not tho.^-^;
Possibly because the author has only so many hair styles she can draw.
rin, haru's girlfriend with the long black hair (later short)she was possesed but the horse
If you mean Hatsuharu (the cow), then he shows the president the hair beneath the belt. It's the best way I can explain it. That's why he takes them to a bathroom...
If you don't get it then your not old enough to see it. -.- when he drags the president into the bathroom he ... I'm not even going to say it.
you cut your hair with a banana, it should end up in the shape of a strawberry icecream. enjoy your new hairstyle, you should consider dying it pink for an extra touch of glam. :)
Hatsuharu proves his hair is naturally white and black by showing Tohru his baby pictures, where his hair is clearly seen to be two different colors. He also explains that it's a rare trait within the Sohma family for dual-haired individuals to exist and that his hair changes color along with his Zodiac animal's transformation.
any try of fruits mostly dragon fruit :)
Its just like drawing an anime character. Draw the head. And the eyes. and then the hair like Kyo's. maybe look it up online. but the worse artists are the ones that go step by step. learn yourself