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well u mean Christmas Eve and Christmas Day . ?

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Q: Would you get double paid if you work at McDonald in Australia on Christmas Eve and a Day before Boxing Day?
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Is Christmas Sunday before or after Christmas day?

Eve means "before" and naturally Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas.

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Alexandria Virginia

How did Christmas cards come to Australia?

Before air mail they came by ship.

What time of year does the Christmas beetle appear?

These beetles are indigenous to Australia and hatch in warm weather. That is why they show up days or even a few weeks before Christmas. That is summertime in Australia.

In Australia Christmas falls during which season?

Depends on the family, a lot of people do it on December 1st, some people do it a week before Christmas

What are the differences between Australia and France at Christmas?

the germans have a white christmas, austrlians dont, its in the middle of summer. the germans celebrate christmas a lot more, they start their christmas event even before december. in australia we just celebrate christmas on the one day.

Is Boxing day in Mexico?

No. See the related question.In Mexico the version of Boxing day is called aguinaldo or Christmas Bonus.It is expected from all employers to give a significant amount of money to their employees, many times related to the amount of years working in the same company.Usually given before the Christmas holidays.

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TOYS R US is open on x-mas eve and the week before also its open on boxing day and so on.

Why do Australia celebrate Christmas before Europe?

Because the international date line is in (the middle of) the Pacific ocean. Thus Australia sees every day first.

Should you take boxing classes and then try to get a boxing licence if you have never boxed before?

boxing is gay try parkour

What did Dick and Mac McDonald do before owning McDonald's?

What they did was sit at homing planning

What was Christmas before it was Christmas?

Nothing. Before Jesus was born, we had no Christmas!