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because they have similar limbs

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Q: Why does the body structure of some species support Darwin's theory?
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Was over production in a population included in Darwins theory of evolution?

no the theory of evolution is a species becoming more advanced not over populated

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There is no proven theory of evolution only the physical evidence of what Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Which is not of Darwin's theory of natural selection?

which is not part of darwins theory of natural selction

Who was Thomas Huxley?

A guy who had a debate about Darwins theory

Is Charles Darwin's theory is complementary to religious concept?

Charles Darwins theory is wrong to religon as it is very clear god created the world. and theories like Darwins are wrong.

What is Darwins known for?

Charles Darwin is known for his studies aboard the HMS Beagle. He went all around the world to study different species and formed the theory of evolution.

What is recent research findings support Darwins theory of evolution?

Recent research findings, such as genomic studies that show patterns of genetic similarities among different species, provide evidence supporting Darwin's theory of evolution. These studies have revealed the common ancestry of all living organisms and how species have evolved over time through natural selection. Additionally, fossil evidence continues to be found that further corroborates the theory of evolution by showing transitional forms between different species.

What book did he write about natural selection?

Darwins theory of evolution :)

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Why some people did not believe Darwins theory?

Some people may not believe in Darwin's theory of evolution due to conflicting religious beliefs, lack of understanding of the scientific evidence supporting the theory, or personal biases that prevent them from accepting new ideas. Other reasons may include misconceptions about what the theory actually proposes or misinformation spread by individuals or groups with their own agenda.

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Darwins theory of Natural Selection.

What is the significance of the fourth step in Darwins theory of natural selection?

Survival of the fittest