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Samurai would commit Seppuku to avoid disgrace and dishonour upon them, their families and their country.

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To avoid disgrace and regain their honor.

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Q: Why do samurai commit seppuku?
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What do the samurai do in their pastime?

Commit seppuku.

What is the term for ninja suicide?

Ninjas didn´t commit suicide, samurai did and it was called harakiri or seppuku.

What was the colthing style of a samurai warrior?

samurai wore layers of clothing and armor to defend themselves from attacker's. Also they had two swords one for slicing the enemy and another one to use to commit seppuku.

When a samurai kills himself what is it called?

Seppuku - a ritual for killing yourself. (an answer ten years in the making)

What Japanese warrior is known to commit suicide when disgraced?

The Japanese samurai were known to commit ritual suicide, or seppuku, when defeated to avoid disgrace at the hands of enemies. During World War II, this tradition expanded to other Japanese soldiers.

Did the samurai fight for what they believed in?

In general, yes.The Japanese samurai governed themselves by the code of bushido, sort of similar to the European knights' code of chivalry; a code of honor. A samurai could not disobey their daimyo (like the knights their lord), nor could they flee during battle, or attack someone when they were not prepared to fight (which also includes ambush and poison). This code was strictly adhered to; if transgressed, the samurai was shamed by his community, usually ordered by their daimyo to commit seppuku, or hari-kari (even if not ordered, the samurai would usually take it upon themselves.) (Warning: graphic) In seppuku (literally means stomach cutting), a samurai would commit suicide by disembowling themselves with their katana, either by a single circular slice, a single horizontal slice, or a horizontal and vertical slice. They then either slit their own throat, bleed out, or had a trusted friend or family member do this or behead them. Husbands and wives would often commit seppuku together.To avoid seppuku, samurai sometimes deserted. Many of these deserted samurai became ninjas, assassins with no moral code."Did the samurai fight for what they believed in?" Almost all of them strictly adhered to the code of bushido, which they believed in very strongly, so for the most part, yes.

What is the practice of sepuku?

"Seppuku" is a form of ritual suicide that was practiced by the samurai and daimyo in Japan. Sometimes seppuku was used as a form of judicial punishment.

How do you enter Megaman 2 passwords?

you must commit seppuku

what is seppuku and bushido?

Seppuku was a ritual form of suicide performed by the samurai. Bushido means "way of the warrior". This was a code that was popularized in Edo period Japan to justify the lofty status of the samurai class within Japanese society.

What was punishment if Samurai's didn't follow Bushido?

Seppuku or beheading. For those that actually followed it.

What is the practice of a warrior comitting suicide?

If a samurai commits suicide (usually from losing a duel or losing honour) it is called seppuku. It is where a samurai cuts his stomach 8 times to hit all of his organs. In ancient Japan seppuku was the most honorable way to die.

What happens if a samurai doesnt follow the code of bushido?

well, That Samurai would be forced to perform a seppuku, the suicide ritual. were the samurai would take out there Wakizashi [short-sword] and kill themselves