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because of osamsa bin laden

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Q: Why do conflicts and ethnic disputes arise in many central Asian countries?
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What is the definition for regional conflict?

Regional conflict refers to conflicts between states or groups within a specific geographic region. These conflicts typically involve issues such as territorial disputes, ethnic tensions, or political differences that affect the stability and security of that particular region. Regional conflicts can have a significant impact on neighboring countries and international relations.

Ethnic disputes became a problem?


Why have many of the African countries experienced so many ethnic conflicts after independence?

It is mostly to do with the segregation between blacks and whites

What are two main reasons for conflict in the southwest aisa?

Two main reasons for conflict in Southwest Asia are territorial disputes, particularly related to borders and control of land/resources, and religious/ethnic tensions, such as conflicts between different religious or ethnic groups within the region. These factors often fuel ongoing conflicts and violence in the region.

Africa's ethnic conflicts have spawned what two devastating results?

Africa's ethnic conflicts have resulted in significant loss of life, displacement of populations, and humanitarian crises. Additionally, these conflicts have hindered economic development and political stability in many African countries, impeding progress and prosperity for the continent as a whole.

What causes regional and international conflicts?

Regional and internal conflicts are often caused by disagreements over the allocation of resources, ideological differences over religion, values and morals.

How are ethnic and religious conflicts related to problems of global security?

When racial disputes and religiously heated conflicts arise, they threaten the security of not only those involved in the fighting, but also those around them. Therefore, as long as war continues, global security will continue to be non-existent

What are the two places in Europe where ethnic and religious conflicts became violent?

What are the two places in Europe where ethnic and religious conflicts became violent?

What country were ethnic conflicts were resolved peacefully by forming two countries?

Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993, resolving ethnic tensions between Czechs and Slovaks.

How did the ethnic conflicts cause the Rwandan genocide?

Ethnic conflicts caused the genocide in that the hutus scapegoated the minority of tutsis with all the issues of the Rwandan state.

What was the cause for the regional conflict in caucasus?

The regional conflict in the Caucasus has been fueled by a combination of ethnic rivalries, historical grievances, territorial disputes, and geopolitical interests. Competition for control over territory and resources, as well as the desire for self-determination by various ethnic groups, have led to conflicts in the region. Additionally, external influences and interventions from neighboring countries and global powers have also played a role in exacerbating tensions in the Caucasus.

What is subsequent boundary?

A subsequent boundary is a political boundary that is established after significant human settlement has occurred, often ignoring the cultural and ethnic boundaries of the existing population. These boundaries can lead to disputes and conflicts between different groups.