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A coyote would win, unless the human was armed with a weapon or a thing then the human would stand a chance

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Q: Who would win in fighting coyote or Irish terrier dog?
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What would win fox or coyote?

Coyote. Coyotes get really nasty with each other when they are fighting over a carcass (especially between those who don't know each other). And with a fox? Well a fox would be smart enough to stay away from a coyote in the first place!

What is the better fighting dog American bulldog or bull terrier?

dont know and am proud of that. why would someone ask unless there fighting dogs. i mean wo would really want to know. they shouldn't care UNLESS they are going to or are fighting dogs~

Would a coyote eat a wolf or would a wolf eat a coyote?

Wolves are much larger and more fierce. It would also depend on where the fight would happen. If it happened in snow, the coyote would definitely lose. If it was wherever coyotes live, the coyote might have a chance.

If an coyote and oposumm fought who would win?

a coyote

What would happen if a coyote cub was shot while still with mother?

The mother coyote would attack the person who shot the coyote cub.....simple as that.

What is the Irish song that is played a lot in movies usually during a chase or fighting scene?

I would love to know the answer as well.

Would a coyote eat a frog?

Yes, a coyote would most definitely eat a frog if itcaughtone.

Can you eat the coyote in WolfQuest?

No, it would be unusual for a wolf to catch and eat a coyote

Is a pitbull more powerful then a coyote?

The pitbull has stronger jaws then a coyote. A pitbull would hert a human, a small dog, even a coyote.

Does bears eat a coyote?

yes a bear eats a coyote

Do coyotes bite dogs?

Well. It depends on the coyote or dog. If it is a dachshund or chihuahua then yes. But if it was a great dane, bull mastiff, Irish wolfhound or guardian dog then no. I heard of some reports of dogs getting snatched away and disappear suddenly by possible coyote attacks but those are small dogs. But however if it was an old dog that was a large dog, the yote has a slight chance. Guardian dogs are known for scaring off or even on some occasions, kill coyotes that they see. A pitbull could do good on killing yotes. Although smaller than a coyote, there is a slight chance of the dog being able to kill yotes with aggression. A pitbull is also lock-jawed meaning if a pitbull bit the coyote, it would not let go until it wanted to or if it would bleed to death. If you have a guardian dog, that is a good thing in scaring a yote off.

Would a coyote make a good pet why or why not?

a coyote would never make a good pet. it could slice your head off any second. they are pure savage. never trust a coyote.