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Q: Who would win a American bulldog or dingo?
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It Is Hard To Answer. Because They Don't Live In The Same Place. But I Think That A Hyena Will Win The Fight.

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It Is Hard To Answer. Because They Don't Live In The Same Place. But I Think That A Hyena Will Win The Fight.

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The colonists did win the American Revolution

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wolf they are a prid species, meaning they wil own anything that gets in there way

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What would the Americans have to do to win the American Revolution?

The American revolution took place hundreds of years ago, and the Americans did win.

Who would win dingo or pitbull?

Depends on the situation that puts these two animals against each other. Dingos are great hunters, whereas pitbulls are great guard dogs.

Who would win a fight a Doberman or a golden retriever?

German shepherds are smarter and more skilled in fighting than dingoes, when German shepherds are trained to be police or military dogs. A dingo is just a wild dog with good hunting skills. The German Shepherd might win.

Who would win in a dog fight a pittbull or a bulldog?

I'd say Pit. Modern Bulldogs aren't that practical; they are not flexible or large in comparison to a Pit Bull.