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The Montreal screwjob caused a real life/off camera grudge between Shawn Micheals ,Bret Hart, and MR. McMahon . This argument was settled between Micheals and Hart,but McMahon refused Hart's attempt to bury the hatchet.

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Q: What was the effect of the Montreal screwjob?
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When did Bret heart leave WWE?

1997 after the Montreal screwjob.

Who won the Montreal screwjob?

Shawn Michaels won it by applying the Sharpshooter!!!

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Commentary was the role for Vince McMahon in the Montreal screw job.

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The Montreal Screwjob.

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can't you just take the fact that it just did, i can't even find it on google

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The Montreal Screwjob is one of the most controvercial moments in the wwe. It caused an off camera/real life grudge between Shawn Micheals.

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No, at least not to the WWECW. Bret Hart and Vince McMahon left on the worst of terms, due to Bret's brother's death, as well as the infamous Montreal Screwjob.

What is WWE's Montreal screwjob?

When Vince and HBK had a plan where HBK put Bret hjart in a submission and have refree earl hebner ring the bell before Bret tapped out and actually did it in the 1997 survivor series

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You can never be too sure plus TNA is scripted, but if this is anything like the Montreal screwjob and Bret Hart, than he would be better off in WWE.

What effect has the Montreal Protocol had on CFC levels in the atmosphere?

your mommas titties

Vince screwed bret or bret screwed bret?

bret hart was going to leave wwe for wcw but he didnt want to drop the belt to shawn michaels in his hometown of Canada so vince and shawn planned what would late be known as the montreal screwjob so basically vince,shawn,and bret screwed bret