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The best man should pay for all of his own expenses. Brides, grooms and possibly their parents are paying for the wedding and they are not responsible for the expenses (travel, clothes, accommodations, meals) incurred by any wedding guest including the best man. When you are invited to a wedding and asked to be a part of someone's bridal party; it is an honor. You don't beg the bride and groom to buy you clothes, pay for your hotel room, etc. If you can't afford any of these things then ask if you can wear a suit that you already have insteading of buying or renting one, take the bus to the wedding city instead of flying and stay with friends or family instead of in a hotel when you get there. Find less expensive ways to still be in the bridal party. If the couple makes outrageous demands like requesting the bridal party to take a week off of work to stay in an expensive resort for a wedding in Another Country; then you can just say that you are flattered that your friend wants you to be his best man but that you cannot afford everything that goes along with it.

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Q: What should the best man pay at a wedding?
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Who should pay for the wedding?

People from both sides should pay for the wedding

In a greek wedding the best man's responsibility is to pay for what?

typically the best man would buy the gifts for giving out at the end, this is also the responsibility of the maid of honor. the best man does not have to be Orthodox.

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The groom's parents are only responsible for paying out of town guests at rehearsal dinner for: Parents of the bride (some parents are divorced and one ex may live out of town or both live out of town, but often the out of town parents of the bride will pay their own way if they can financially afford it); Maid of honor; bridesmaids; flower girl or ring bearer. Any other relatives or friends that are not in the wedding party should pay their own way.

Who pays for wedding costs if wedding is cancelledWikiAnswers?

who ever cancels the wedding should have to pay for it .

Who pays for best man's travel expenses?

He does. All wedding guests including the bridal party are responsible for their own expenses. There are a few rare occasions where brides and grooms want to be generous and help their bridal party or other guests pay for certain things but it's not their responsibilty and should not be expected. It's already a gift and an honor to be invited to a wedding. The bride and groom should not have to beg or pay people to come.

Who should pay wedding costs?

It often ends up being the bride's father ... but it should be whoever designs (plans) the wedding.

How much should a dad pay for a wedding?

all depending if he is rich

Should you pay for you meal at a wedding if you decline to attend?

that is not necessary, attendance at a weddingand/or any wedding gifts are always optional regardless of your relationship to the wedding party

What should you do when your future in laws are paying for your wedding but will not let you have any say in the planning?

Pay for your own wedding, or talk to them You could set up a loan, or pay half yourself

When invited to attend a wedding by the person you are dating and air travel is required who should pay for the air travel?

Since you are his guest to go to the wedding then he should pay for your air travel or at least split the cost depending on his finances.

How much should I expect to pay for a good wedding band?

You should expect to pay about $300-$500 for a high quality gold wedding band. You can find cheaper silver ones that are still quite nice though.

What are the financial obligations to the groom when he calls off the wedding?

Unfortunately, the Bride's parents pay for most of the wedding and the Groom's parents usually pay the bar bill. Sometimes both sets of parents will sit down together and decide to split the cost. Often there are single parents so they may also split the costs of the wedding. The ex Groom should be man enough to help pay for any costs such as reserving the church, reception hall, cost of invitations that were sent out, etc., etc. The ex Groom should get a full list of the cost and split it and pay half.