what is the yahoo messenger id of john cena
im pretty sure that he does
Yes,he does,go to yahoo or any other website and type in john cena . com.
google it or yahoo it and go to dan cena or his dad myspace
He doesn't have hot mail and his yahoo email is run by a friend. LOL he doesnt' have hotmail or yahoo!!! At least not for the fans!
Yes ucantcename@yahoo.com is john cena's email June 2010 - No it is not, his personal email is not given out, and there is no fan email ok for real its not
John Cena sr.
John Cena
John Cena's PSN is John Cena
John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.
No. John Cena is not bad. If John Cena was bad, he would not care about his fans. John Cena will always support his fans so John Cena is GOOD!!!!!