

What is edge effect?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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8y ago

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edge effect is the different conditions along the boundries of an ecosystem.

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Pasquale Wisozk

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Q: What is edge effect?
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What are some common problems associated with negative edge pools?

Negative edge (vanishing edge, perimeter overflow) pools share all the common problems of other in-ground pools. They do, however, present a couple of challenges unique them. Let's start out by insuring we are in agreement as to what a negative edge pool is, and then we'll hit those two issues mentioned. A negative edge pool is a pool with a "missing edge." A link is provided so you can look at a couple and see what we mean. (In this case, a picture really is worth a thousand words.) If you've looked, you'll see right away that the negative edge pool has a portion of its "rim" missing. The pool has a complete foundation and a continuous "side" all around, but there is some edge designed out of the perimeter. That's so the water, when at the proper level, is right up to the very brim of the "missing edge" and a visual effect is staged. When standing "opposite" the negative edge, the eye sweeps out over the surface and "off" the negative edge to what lies beyond without "bumping into" a rim higher than the water level. The effect can be startling! And that's part of the first problem. Negative edge pools need a "background" or "backdrop" to be effective. Without something which the visual field can "blend into" beyond the surface of the pool to create the effect, the negative edge pool is a waste of money and effort. The problem being alluded to and now addressed is location. Where is the pool being built? On a (small) lot in a flat housing tract? It is almost impossible to get a "good effect" from that location. A "regular" pool would work well here, but not the negative edge pool. At least not for the visual effect. The effect sought would be out of reach owing to the "terrain" of the subdivision. If you haven't seen any pictures of a negative edge pool, look now. And imagine trying to build something like that on flat ground in a tract. No terrain advantage, no effect. The other problem with the negative edge pool is shared by other pools, but is an "effect killer" for our negative edge pool. Pools need security, need to be secured or fenced in any but the most unusual locations. A fence is critical. Little kids drown every year in pool accidents wherein they get into the (unsupervised) pool through an open gate in a fence (or "no gate" in "no fence"). They die. Many of them. Every year. Without fail. The statistics are sickening. Many powers of ten worse for a family member that finds the child. Or the neighbor's child. But a fence erected to secure a negative edge pool is exceedingly difficult to hide or cameoflage. The visual effect of the negative edge gets "interrupted" by a fence. It "breaks" the "flow" of the visual field in an abrupt and unwanted way. What is a person to do? The negative edge pool can be a stunningly dramatic construct, particularly if there is a body of water "behind" the negative edge itself so the visual field can stretch out in almost uninterrupted fashion. But without terrain, without geographic cooperation, it is somewhere between difficult and impossible to get the effect. And fencing it is also difficult to impossible without breaking the illusion being sought. The negative edge pool is really cool, even stunning under the right circumstances. But broad consideration must be given to the selection of one of these architectural beauties.

Describe the effect on the area of a circle when the radius is doubled?

the radius is from the center of the circle to the edge so that's how you find the radius.

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You are an Aries on the cusp of Pisces, but on the outside edge of the cusp. It will effect you but not as much as some.